
Brexit will affect logistics operations considerably
The United Kingdom has left the EU's Customs Union and Single Market. Beginning January 1, 2021, the movement of goods will be subject to export and import Customs procedures similar to those used by the EU and Canada.
Please note that the information on these pages is general guidance issued without warranty, each trader should take care to review the TCA in detail to understand how to apply the terms to their own business model
Brexit related information

UK to the EU
When exporting from the United Kingdom to the European Union, the trader/seller must include their EORI number in any preference statement issued to their EU customer, regardless of the value.

EU to the UK
When exporting from the EU to the UK, any exporter can make a statement of origin with just the EORI number if the value of the consignment is 6,000 euros (currently £5,700). The EU exporter must have a Registered Exporter (REX) number and include it in the statement if the amount exceeds this limit.

Statement of origin
The statement of origin must be provided on an invoice or other commercial document (other than a bill of lading) that describes the originating product in sufficient detail to allow identification.
Frequently Asked Questions
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As the deadline for requesting an extension was officially 30th June, the UK have now formally confirmed to the EU that they will NOT be requesting an extension and will not agree to one should the EU request one.
31st December is therefore set in stone. If any part of your Brexit prep relied on some form of extension, you need to
re-visit it immediately.
The short answer is no. TSP was a short-term Day 1 No Deal easement relating to UK imports from the EU.
HMRC have now announced a new phased approach. From 1st January standard UK imports will have access to an interim facilitation by entering an entry into their own records followed by a supplementary declaration to HMRC within 6 months. To all intents and purposes this will look like TSP. Certain goods are excluded and will require frontier declarations: excise goods for example. We understand that this facilitation will be available to all without the need to apply for it.
If you applied for a duty Deferment Approval Number (DAN) and the number begins with a 6, this is no longer valid.
Many companies applied for a DAN in 2019 and were issued with a no deal EU exit DAN number. You have a few options open to you if you want to defer duty.
If you applied for a duty Deferment Approval Number (DAN) and the number begins with a 6, this is no longer valid.
Many companies applied for a DAN in 2019 and were issued with a no deal EU exit DAN number. You have a few options open to you if you want to defer duty.
The EU / UK Trade & Cooperation Agreement (TCA) only allows for the duty free movement of UK and EU originating goods.
For example: • Goods originating from China must pay duty on entry to the UK even if they are duty paid in the EU. • Goods originating in the UK can be imported into Germany duty free with the correct origin statement. To claim preferential status the requirements are slightly different depending on the direction of flow: